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{The Kansas City Plaza, all lit up} |
The Things That Drive Me Crazy About December In Kansas City
1. The traffic. I sat through THREE cycles (yep, count 'em, THREE) of the traffic lights changing at the same intersection on Monday night. Really? Why were so many people in their cars, obviously headed somewhere, and yet no one was moving? I was baffled. And annoyed. And I maybe yelled at a few cars. But in the holiday spirit, I kept my hand gestures to myself. That was my gift to the rest of you, cars who would not move. You're welcome.
2. Lines. In stores. That are forevvvver long. I popped into Barnes and Noble after a half-day at work on Tuesday, thinking, "okay, it's raining, it's 1:00 pm on a Tuesday, I should be good to go.” So. very. wrong. There I was, searching for only a giftcard, and instead of running in and out, there were 50 people already in line. Holy moly. I about lost it.
3. Irate emails from parents who demand (not inquire, not politely ask) to know why their child ended up with a "B" in my class. Well, since your kid has produced mediocre work the entire semester (and all of those assignments were posted online for overbearing parents like you to check), had a solid "B" for the entire 18 weeks prior to the final, and earned a 65 percent on the final that they obviously did not study for, I'd say a "B" isn't really that much of a shock. But please, feel free to tell me why this is all MY (the teacher's) fault. And next semester, perhaps you’d like to check in with me prior to the last day of the year.
4. Wintertime colds. I thought I had turned the corner and had warded off all of the bugs with my daily doses of Emergen-C, but those evil germs caught up with me this week. I blame all the snotty noses and hacking coughs that traveled around my classroom last week. And so, what did I have to do on my first full day off of work this week? Go to the doctor's office. It's a sinus infection. Sniff.
Okay. Deep breaths. Good thing there are…
The Things That Make Me Smile About December in Kansas City
1. The Plaza lights. So, so pretty!! I love all the different colors highlighting the unique architecture of the different buildings. Every time I head down there at night, it feels a little magical.
2. Christmas lights, in general. I love the little twinkling lights; I love the brightly outlined homes; I love the neighborhood in Mission Hills that strings strands of lights from the ground to trees and it looks like the lights are floating throughout the streets; I especially love the tree trunks wrapped in lights (I wish the whole city would do that to all the trees...that's not a ridiculous request, right?); and I even love the crazy houses that go all out. ALL out. You know what I’m talking about. Now, if my next door neighbors decided to adorn their entire roofline, porch, windows, yard and various objects in their yard (think trees, snowmen, candy canes, angels, maybe a windmill or two) in various colors of blinkers and twinklers and then sync it to music, I may have an issue. Or a seizure. But when it's three streets down from my house and I can pass it on my way home each night, that's okay in my book. I get a little kick out of it, every time I drive by.
3. Old friends coming back in town. My two weeks off from work will be spent lunching with pals and catching up with out-of-towners who I only see a few times a year. Can't wait to see all of them and hear what they have been up to.
4. Overindulgence. Now, my waistline will disagree come January, but I love all the excuses to meet up for a fabulous dinner party (Hillary, I'm looking at you!), or head out and grab a bite at a yummy restaurant, or meet for cocktails at happy hour. On a Wednesday. Or a Monday. Or whenever. (I’m on vacay.) And why not? ‘Tis the season!
5. Christmas plans with the fam. Every year, my parents, brother and I make plans to spend a whole day together before all of the traditional Christmas festivities begin on Christmas Eve. This year, we are heading downtown to check out the Kauffman Center and take in a viewing of The Nutcracker. I am super excited to see the beautiful ballet, as it has been years since I’ve seen it. We used to attend it annually when I was younger. However, as soon as my brother was old enough to realize what he was watching (dancing dolls? No, thanks), we switched it up and began attending A Christmas Carol at the Missouri Rep Theatre. This play holds a special place in my heart, as we attended for years, and it always puts me in a Christmas-y mood, but I'm looking forward to The Nutcracker this year. The music is amazing, I still love the story (dancing dolls and all), and I have read raving reviews regarding the Kauffman Center, so I can't wait to take it all in. After our afternoon of culture, we usually head down to the Plaza and partake in too much wine, pasta and dessert at our fav Italian spot, Figlio's. Yum. And of course on Saturday, I will roll myself (see item #4 on my list) back to my parents' house on Christmas Eve for church, more food and wine, and a visit from Santa. My brother and I still stay over at the ol’ homestead on Christmas Eve to make sure Santa doesn't forget our address, and Christmas morning is filled with gifts, family reminisces, and (more) food. I love our holiday traditions!
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