Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Days

Happy Friday! So, in case you hadn’t heard, we had a bit of snow over here. Here’s what my view yesterday looked like.
{Front yard}

{Back yard. Look how much snow!!!}
Yikes! Snow-magaddon had indeed hit the Kansas City area. Needless to say, we had a snow day (off from school) yesterday, and since the folks at District Office were on top of things, they went ahead and called it for today, too. (Thank you, Very Important People In The Office, for making a timely decision yesterday afternoon. It made for a much more relaxing evening and morning.)
Yesterday, I bundled up in blankets and stayed on the couch, snuggled in with Rascal and some quality (read: reality/trash) TV I had loaded up on the DVR. However, this morning, the sun was shining, and I’d had enough of not talking (or talking to the cat…hmmm), so I figured I’d make the most of my bonus day off and go run some errands. The streets had been cleared for the most part, and I assumed I could click on my four-wheel-drive button in my SUV and hit the road.
After getting almost-scary-call-Dad-or-a-tow-truck-stuck in my driveway, I managed to spin my wheels and rev my engine hard enough to back out into the street. Bummer. But I’m very glad I managed to get un-stuck. And so, the previous hour and a half  of my mini-vacay day was spent shoveling. Not my fav activity, but hey, I got it done.
{Ta-da! Not too terrible of a job, right? And by the way, this picture does not do my hard work justice.
I swear, there are at least 8-10 inches piled up. That's a LOT of heavy scooping, folks.}
Secretly, I was hoping a Good Samaritan would see me in my car, almost-stuck and struggling in my driveway and think, “Aww. Poor little lady. I should go scoop her driveway for her out of the goodness of my heart.” No such luck.
And by the way, mailman, you’re welcome. I threw in the sidewalk and porch, too. I figured, while I’m out here, getting in my first aerobic workout in oh, at least a year and ensuring that I have super sore muscles tomorrow, I might as well scoop it all. Also, I'm hoping this is some good karma and you won't lose anymore of my mail. Like my RENT CHECKS. Thanks!

But I will say, it beats doing what I SHOULD be doing…these 65 essays and annotated articles that I lugged home on Wednesday night just don’t look appealing. Sigh.
{The only thing that is remotely interesting about this pic
is that fresh new pack of Paper Mate Flairs.
They are indeed my favorite grading pens.}
Hope everyone has a marvelous (and warm!) weekend! Oh, and please cross your fingers and send a prayer up to the weather gods…we don’t need that other storm to hit on Sunday night. It’s almost MARCH! NO MORE SNOW!

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