Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Little Letters

First of all…

Dear anyone who is still reading my blog,
Thanks for not totally giving up on me! I'm working on some posts of life lately. In the meantime, here is a dose of randomness from my world:

Dear Summatime,
Yaaaaaaaay! You make me very, very happy. Sleeping in? Check. Late nights? Check. Plenty of cocktails? Check. Me not being grumpy and stressed? Check. Pool time? Check. (I have the sun rash to prove it. Ugh. ) And speaking of pool time…

Dear Kat,
Thank you for the Woodside hook-up. I owe ya, Kathy. I owe ya big time.

Dear Cheerleaders,
I think I am most shocked of anyone when I say, I miss you guys. I am so glad I got to come up to camp and watch your performance. It was fantastic! I was very, very proud. Props to Nuggs and Kater—those switch libs were legit!
{With Abby and Deavyn, seniors this year!}
Dear Chris,
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all of your help with the potential new job! I couldn’t muddle my way through this without you.
Dear House on 61st Street,
You should lower your price just a little bit. Because you are SO. DARN. CUTE. And I would love to live in you.

{Darling, right? Can't you all just see me living here??}
Dear 96.5 The Buzz,
Everyone needs to #listenlonger and keep you guys alive! Love-love-loved the Buzz Under The Stars Night One show. The Lumineers were ridic, and I got to try out my hipster headwear. (More on this later.) Also, I discover new songs every day, thanks to you guys. Currently loving “Royals” by Lorde.

Dear Instagram,
You are my version of Facebook. I think I’m addicted. Follow me! (But you have to ask first.)

Dear Nova,
You are still my all-time favorite person, EVER. Every day,  it’s something new with you, big girl! Kisses, crawling, talking, reading books, eating real food…and you’re just so darn cute as you do it all. XOXO!

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