Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Birthday Celebration

Over Memorial Day weekend, I turned the big 2-9. My last hurrah of my twenties. Yikes. But! My friends (the ones who weren’t at the lake...having a birthday over a holiday weekend was always so traumatic when I was younger) made sure we had a super fun weekend.

Before my birthday festivities began, we had something else to celebrate. My dear friend Julie, who moved out to San Fran almost two years ago, is expecting!! She is due in early August, so she flew back in town so her pals in the Midwest could shower her with gifts for her new baby girl. Jules looked amazing, and the hostesses did a beautiful job with the party.

We hit up the Royals game on Sunday and had a fantastic time. Since my pal Gina had also made sure I had a fun Saturday night (ugh…shots), I had a bit of a slow start. But we made it out to Kauffman Stadium around noon and a few beers in (and a LOT of water), I felt much better. And what a day! It started with a very nice gentleman picking us up in a golfcart for a ride up to the ticket line. Then, once in line, another very nice gentleman came up to us and offered us free tickets. In the twelfth row! What?! Happy Birthday to me. So, the (very jealous) boys bought outfield tickets and we headed in.
{Golfcart ride!}

{Great seats! Thanks, random dude!}
Although the Royals couldn’t pull out the win, we still had a great time. (I ate TWO pretzels. Ballpark pretzels are the BEST.) After the game, we headed out to keep the fun going.  Total bonus—we ran into my good friend Gary, in town from Denver. Love you, G-man!

On Monday, I went out to my parents’ house to celebrate with the fam. Nova was officially six months old on my birthday, May 26, which makes us half-birthday buddies. And look at this big girl! She can sit up, stand up (almost…she has to balance on something!) and is almost crawling. Any day now!!

{Big girl!!!}

It was a fantastic birthday weekend, full of celebrations. I think this really will be my best year yet.

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