Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Prom!

Several weeks ago, I attended the prom. Nope, not the one my school was hosting. I chaperoned that prom once, my first or second year I was teaching. And NEVER. AGAIN. It totally weirds me out to see all these adolescent teens grinding on each other in tight, revealing outfits (boys too. I guess it’s normal to take off your shirt and only wear your hot pink vest that matches your date’s cocktail dress?). So, no no no, I did not attend that night of dirty dancing (and probably a few MIPs). I volunteered at the Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City’s “A Royal Affair: Prom 2013.” And it was amazing!

My dad has worked with the DSG for several years. He’s their “official” volunteer photographer. I’ve tagged along to several events with him, and I have to say, I am always so impressed. The staff and volunteers are so caring and kind, and the families who attend are always so excited to be a part of whatever they are celebrating and make connections with other families and individuals with Down Syndrome. The DSG Prom this year was awesome. I believe they had about 800 attendees, and man oh man, did they party it up!

Unbeknownst to me, there were several of my cheerleaders who (on their own) decided to attend as volunteers as well. After dealing with entitled, privileged kids who only care about themselves throughout the years (not all of them, but enough of them…), it made my heart happy to see these sweet girls out on the dance floor, having a great time. Especially now that I’m leaving the education world, I hope to be able to give more of my time to this worthy organization. For more pics (or more info about what the DSG is all about), check out the website here.

{They did such a great job with the decorations!}

{With my cute little helpers}
{Out on the dance floor}

{With my pal Molly. We took a break from the dance floor and chatted.}

{With Amy Allison, Executive Director of the KCDSG}

{My date for the evening, my handsome Daddy-o}

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