Friday, September 20, 2013

Little Letters

Dear Crystal,
Thank you for making such a delicious dinner! You inspire me to cook more. Loved the food, the conversation, and love you. (Yes, she made all that from scratch! Fresh tomatoes from her garden, pesto, feta, parm and arugula, drizzled with a balsamic reduction, over pasta. And yes, I ate three bowls.)
Dear Fall,
Thank you for coming this week. I needed your brisk breeze, your rain followed by sunshine, and your cooler temps. Just in time for the Plaza Art Fair this weekend. Well done, Fall. Well done.
Hey Royals & Chiefs,
Keep it up. You're actually making KC look good.
Dear Nova,
Congratulations big girl! Steps!!!! You’re almost completely mobile. Drew and Heather, can’t wait to see how the new house looks when that happens. Ha!
Dear Kitty Cats,
I'm sorry I doubted you. I should have known Bill had it under control. Kick some Texas ass tomorrow!
To all my fam and friends,
Thank you, thank you for all of your support for the past few months. I know some of you probably think I was nuts to leave a perfectly good job that paid my bills, but I appreciate you keeping that to yourself and always encouraging me. Because...
Dear ScriptPro,
Hey new best friend. You are kind of awesome. Thanks for offering me a JOB!
(Duh, I promptly accepted. More to come next week… Happy weekend!!!)


  1. Félicitations!!! John's mom worked a party at the barn where she keeps her horses for Script Pro last weekend. Did you get to go? I know Jessica Waggoner, another SP employee. She worked with me at Prairie Star. At least I think she still works there. Congrats on your new adventure, friend :)

  2. Great Post, thanks for the shout out! Congrats! Now help me get a job there too!
