Friday, February 1, 2013

Little Letters

Hellooooo, February,
You sure came fast. Looking forward to see what you have to offer in the next 28 days. If you could, please think warm thoughts… It was 5 degrees when I walked into school this morning. FIVE degrees. Brr. At the very least, could you keep up the sunshine? It’s making these chilly days bearable.
Dear J. Crew,
You’re amazing and bright and very stripe-y/pattern-y/floral-y  this season. I dig it. Feel free to gift me anything from your spring catalogue. I just got one in my mailbox yesterday, and it made me very happy.
Dear Kansas City United States of America,
If you must have them, please, please lock up your guns. Nope, your kid doesn’t need one in his backpack. Nope, it sure doesn’t need to be out on the coffee table. I can’t tell you how many news stories about innocent victims being shot I’ve heard in the last few months—please, be responsible and put your weapons somewhere where your kids can’t get them!
Dear Lumineers,
You guys ROCK. Seriously. I could listen to this album over and over and over. Oh wait, I do. Love the sound, love your vibe. I think you may have made a hipster out of me.

To all cars who take 69-Hwy South in the mornings,
The left lane is for passing. Not for driving next to cars that are going the same speed as you. That is all.
Dear Nova,
You’re pretty much my favorite, EVER! Who knew that being an aunt is the best job in the world? Keep smiling, pretty girl!

{Nova Sophia}
{Yep, that's a moustache binky. She's a cool kid.}
{Love her!}


  1. Nova is such a cutie! Also would love you to burn me a copy of the lumineers album!

  2. You are the best Auntie ever!!
